Thursday, May 28, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
To begin with, this is an experience that I have repeated over the years with much success. I've varied the procedure over the years, however, this time seems to be the easiest and fastest. You might think after reading the steps outlined here, that it does not seem easy. Trust me---it is easy. Now here's what I do.
First step: Buy yourself a "slammin" (my daughter's term ) wig or two. The wig should make your friends and family say "it becomes you". A wig that, maybe, you will not want to take off once your hair grows back. The reason is, you will be wearing them for the duration. I can't suggest a specific maker of wigs, because no one is paying me to advertise for them. So suffice it to say, get the best. Of course this information will work for any race. The wig idea is just for those of us whose hair does not cooperate well after washing. You see with this procedure you must wash your hair at least three times a week. You also must not use heat, (straightening instruments, blow dryers etc.) Hence the reason for the wig. More about that later.
Now for the Second step, buy the products. I will explain what I buy later.
My story, (in brief), is that I was slowly developing male pattern baldness. At sixty-one, some would think, just accept it. Well not me. I dug my heels in and did research. The same as I had done over 35 years earlier. Back then, I had problems with my hair growing. My research led me to growing my hair from within, which took a longer time. I am known sometimes known as Fastfreta, so taking a long time for anything is not for me anymore. Back to the issue at hand, I learned that heavy hair greases clogged my pores, so I discontinued their use. I also, learned through my research, the major ingredients for making the hair grow from within. At that time I was taking over 30 vitamins and herbs a day. They did work, so I am not knocking that. However the same things that I was taking multiple doses of separately, is now combined in one or two doses of vitamins and herbs. Also back then I found there was no real topical hair growth aides. So I ate right, and religiously took my vitamins and herbs. Somebody read my mind back then and combined these things together. Now enough about me. Oh, by the way I don't have any before or after photos. I didn't know that I was going to write about my experience. I have helped my 82 year old friend regrow her hair. I since have begun to help others.
Back to the issue at hand; what I buy. At my local Health food, or drug store, I buy the hair vitamins. These vitamins must contain the following, Biotin, Choline, and Inositol. I don't care what else they have, if they don't contain those three ingredients, I don't buy them. The Biotin should be at least 1500 mg per dose. Now I read the label carefully, a dose can be between 1 and 3 tablets. I like to take the vitamins in the least amount of tablets. I always take my vitamins with food and at least 8 oz. of water to keep down stomach discomfort, and that works for me. I was once told by a friend (who is a doctor) to always take pills of any kind with lots of water, and that's what I do. Again I am not giving out brand names of Vitamins, because no one is paying me. However I do try to get the best, and I do that by reading and researching each one. I guess you can try to email me and I can give you some names to try. Now to the topical products. I buy various and sundry light weight oils, at my local Beauty Supply store, that are touted as hair growth oil. I also have a heavy duty oil that is to be used 1 to 3 times a week. I use the best shampoos and conditioners that I can find and afford. Brand names if possible. I also use products that tout themselves as hair strengtheners (they do work). I forgot to mention that I also drink protein shakes on a regular basis in the beginning. Now this all seems like a lot of work and money, but believe me it is not. I buy everything at my local Health Food, or Drug store. However I would go to any length to regrow my hair.
Here is what I do.You might call this the third step. I take my vitamins conscientiously. At times I make protein shakes to speed up the process. I don't always do the protein shakes, but the vitamin and topical treatments I always do. I digress. Let's see---is this step four? I wash my hair at least 3 times a week. With each washing, I wash and condition as usual. One thing I do that is crucial, I always comb the conditioner through my hair while wet, that completely dangles my hair. After towel drying, while still damp, with the pores still open, I apply the oil. I then massage it in very vigorously and thoroughly. I don't use my heavy oil at every washing, but I use oil of some kind. I then braid or plait my hair and leave it there until the next washing. In between washings I use the light oil, morning and night. To open the pores I sometimes wet a wash cloth with the hottest water that I can stand and apply it to my whole head after I apply the oil. I usually perform my hair care ritual at night during a favorite TV program, it doesn't seem so tedious then. Okay so, this is the time when, it's all about me, I don't like to answer phone calls or the like. I have found that an indication that my hair is growing is that my scalp is very itchy and/or sore. "Oh happy day!" when that happens. But a real indication is since I am graying, and I dye my hair (oh yes I do), is I can see new growth sooner than I use to. Now ladies (and maybe gentlemen), don't let any of these steps deter you---depending on who you are you can see new faster growth within about three months. I even find that once I start the process, after about six months, I sometimes let down my guard and don't perform all the steps as often as I should. I do always take my vitamins, no matter what the situation is. Now these are my steps, I hope they have been helpful.